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Programming Language ‘C’

Programming Language ‘C’

Course Summary

Programming With ‘C’         

'C' Language is considered as base of all programming languages, so we take special care on it. This course helps students in building their own concepts and on which they can code and proceed. Below is a very brief outline of the course but the teaching order and teaching pattern varies with different batch and student types. After finishing of this course, each student can choose their next steps independently and freely with clear concept of base programming.

This course also adds patience to each candidate and the mental strength so that they can find the right solution for any problem by structuring and isolating them part-by-part.


1. Overview of 'C' Language

2. Data Types (Variables, Constants) and Operators

3. Condition, Loop, Jump Statements

4. Arrays and Strings

5. Pointers & Many More…

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